Monday, October 26, 2009

How much sexing?

Open the gossip and social pages of the national newspapers and you'll soon be sucked into a flurry of 'who's dating who' excitement. Bollywood stars vying with each other to date the biggest talent, society princesses playing coy on their current beau.
While there's ceratainly a sprinkling of liberal romance in some circles, India remains a deeply traditional place when it comes to relationships.
A walk around Lodi Gardens bears testimony to this. Hidden amongst shady clumps of trees young couples meet to hold hands or dare a smooch away from a disapproving family gaze.
Last night, A and I were forced to reveal to our landlord that we were not married. Some annoying paperwork issues meant our lease had to be modified to include my name.
On the new document the estate agent typed 'Mr A and his partner Natacha B can legally live at ...'
"Partner?" quizzed our landlord Mr J in his wonderfully clipped Indian English.
"Shouldn't that say wife?"
If only the floor could have opened up there and then.
Months of navigating around the 'marital issue' swiftly unravelled leaving us red-faced like two naughty schoolchildren caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
"So you're not married?" Mr J drilled.
"Not exactly," blurted A.
We shuffled back to our apartment heads hung low.
All this a reminder of a funny conversation A had with some young guys playing cricket near India Gate. After joining in their game a couple of the players in their 20s siddled up to A with a nervous look.
"So Sir, can we ask you question? ... how much, er, sexing is there where you come from?"
"Sexing?" asked A slightly baffled.
"Er yes, we hear there's much sexing in England, is true?"

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious!!! hee hee I can just see the pair of you...ah classic!
